Friday, 6 March 2009

Citizen of the Year 2009 - So Far

Leila Deen eats the custard

"I don't want to get up early in the morning and throw custard at Peter Mandelson but I don't have a choice because democracy has failed us.

"We should stand up against people who are going to make political capital out of pretending to be green."

Gordon Taylor, who lives next door to the Deen family home in Brighton, said: "I think her mother would be proud."


Leila deens with her action of throwing custard into the face of Mandelson for the third runway project has only echoed what the vast majority of us want to do to them for their balls up and ruination of the economy and our childrens futures.



1 Packet Birds Custard
2. Milk
3. green food colouring
4. Disposable cup (Remember don't discard LID, not GREEN!!)


Anonymous said...

Why did she not fling a brick ? or went up and slapped the cu#t, only kidding but it must had been frightening for him coz it could have been acid or summit.

Hmmm was funny but at the same time it could have been worse..

brownlie said...


Well done for incurring Sam the Bam's wrath on the Scotsman thread. What a singular honour!

WV is "lottarie" - I'm off to buy my ticket. as it's your site I suggest you do the same. said...

"Well done for incurring Sam the Bam's wrath on the Scotsman thread. What a singular honour!"

The guys a bin store nonce, thats how you shoulddeal with dubious people who hang around with impressionable teenagers and then get fined for being in a "state of undress", I reckon it was wee boys.Would tally with his "them that shout the loudest" , homophobia.

I wonder if he was teaching them "line goostepping"

I take it he has been on again? As I huvnae a clue, not even noticed!
Send us a link, I fancy a chortle.

"WV is "lottarie" - I'm off to buy my ticket. as it's your site I suggest you do the same."

The site was doon when I tried to get a ticket.

Wrinkled Weasel said...

I like the idea of this lady being a sort of suicide custard bomber. Very British.

brownlie said...


It turned out to be Paisley Pete, the Playground Playboy. Much better ignored, I think.